In some cases magic spell is cast on the victim to victim to mount his expenses.
Things start going awry due to excessive expenditures. A lot of money goes down the drain in order to repair some thing or the other, in giving loans or for treatment.
His earnings fall short and his expenditure shoots up, making him troubled. This kind of magic can be send back towards the doer also with the help of Surah Baqarah-verse no. 281.
Before doing this amal one should go through the previous posts of mine. Hisar is essential before starting the amal. (It has been mentioned in my previous posts).
After reading any durud shareef which you know for 11 times read this prayer
وَاتَّقُوا يَوْمًا تُرْجَعُونَ فِيهِ إِلَى اللَّهِ ۖ ثُمَّ تُوَفَّىٰ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَّا كَسَبَتْ وَهُمْ لَا يُظْلَمُونَ ﴿٢٨١﴾ (281)
And fear the Day when ye shall be brought back to Allah. Then shall every soul be paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly.
and in the end repeat the durud shareef 11 times. The more the number of times you read this special prayer, the more will be the reversal of the black magic.
Asalam alaykum brother,
I hope allhumduallah. My name is yasmeen and I was reading some of your poss online about black magic. I went to alt of sheikhs and they all don't want to bother listening because they say is haram to accuse any one about black magic and to first check if its not a psycological or family issue medically first before.
If maybe some how you can take the time to listen to me without giving me the same response I think you can help my family during these hard times, Allah first.
i believe I'm fighting against the magician himself.
Please respond soon!!
Assalamualaikum, I get constant headaches and have been to a lot of doctors but no one was of any help. I think this is because of some asraat. I'm having these since 3 years . They had stopped last year but have started again now. Can you do istikhara for me and let me know whether its because of some asraat or black magic. Jazakallah Khair. Allah Hafiz.
I've been affected by an evil eye, and its been quiet a while and ts not seems to get off but getting less and less by days going by
What should I do ? I mean hah I've never had any health issues and now just horrible
I'm sick and tired of this, would you like to help me out ? I'd appreciate it so much
Assllam Alleakum
I am Saqib agr 41 from Agra India
I losses my job last month suddenly
I am working last 14 years
As a P.A. of MD
Before this bed incident I was very mantle disturbed due some personal reason and some relatives activities.
The reason of my termination was being an email which send by me in wrong email it means wrong person.
On that time I careless and I can not see that the ID is correct or not.
But now I am suffered of NO VACANCIES.
I have so many eneamiys
Please see my matter
I have found none that applies to me. it has been a year since I am out of job. I have been trying to get to my goals but feels like someone is watching me closely and pulls me down when I try to get to top. We were doing fine by the grace of Allah Subwana Wa Taala but I have lost almost all. Biggest challenge is finding job. I do have related expertise but somehow I don’t get to final selection. I am married with wife and 3 kids Ma’shallah. I have a university going son who just started his first year of Uni and 2 daughters under the age of 18 and 13.
We have a lot of family members living in the same city. Some of them arrived a year ago and some in past 2/3 years. People who arrived a year ago have certain traits in them, they get jealous from someone who is doing good. They came to our home and it was evident that they didn’t like the way we were living with comfort. These could be my assumptions too and God forbid I am not accusing anyone but my own observations. Especially, woman who came was evidently jealous of all that we were blessed with.
Please advise me of anything that you can think off. May Allah keep us all safe, healthy and make us prosper.
Walaikum Salaam
My name is Rafath is find your different Naqsh on Google, i need your assistance could you please help me out. Can i take Print out of ur Taweez and put in Neck.
I need a taweez for Risk Health and people should be Humble with me when i meet,
Will be waiting for your reply .. can i have your contact number so i can share you my problems.
Assalaamailaikum wa rahma,
Dear ustad, i am very much impressed with your website and blogs and have started using one of the method to remove black magic which is casted upon me to block my rizq since 2008. I am reciting the ayats since yesterday and i am also listening the "Jalali mokelat recitation" to cut the black magic.
since yesterday i have received ALhamdullilah some rizq but i have also lost some money today.
as you mentioned that Jalali mokelat is very powerful, i would like to know if it suits me.
Could you please let me know that due to listening i have lost money or it is just like that in the beginning because the jinnats are disturbed.
the method iam following is"Breaking black magic(block the sustenance(Rizq) with the help of quran" and "GEt rid of black magic with the help of alwi angels".
jazak Allah khairaa
I have been following your website since last couple of years. I am confronted with a few problems for which i am unable to find a solution or even an answer. In simple words i am experiencing delay and blockade (bandish) in my life and in every task. It includes job, aulad, rizq, health and relations at home. Plz guide me what is the probable reason for this and give me a solution for this as well. I shall be very thankful to you for this.
Regards and best wishes.
I shall eagerly wait for a response from your side.
Hi i got married in 11/01/2011
Since married i was trying to having a child.
I went doctor begining of 2013 and advice me to get all medical test which is absolutlety normal.
Since married i was pragnet fist time in june 2013. But unfortunatily i have got miscarriage 6 weeks pragnancy.
After miscarriage this my third cycle (period)
i am feeling abdomal verry tight hard for two days also my period was light and only for 2 days.
Before miscarriage my period was about 4 to 5 days. I am worry about.
Please advice me what should i do.
I needed some help from you. my family, three brothers who aren't able to socialize, work, concentrate, or even have a simple conversation with the other siblings and mother. my sister who is now 26, doesn't want to marry, previously broke her nikah that wasn't consummated and now is going crazy, whom doctors say is schizophrenic.
my mom is suffering this situation for more than 5 years. we have gone everywhere for help.
we live in Toronto and need someone who can tell us what has happened to the whole family. how can 3 young brothers, one is 28, the twins are 23 and sister 26 all be schizophrenic.
my mother who is almost 60 along with my other two sisters and I are babysitting these adults. it is like we are living in hell
plz help
My name is Shamsa I am married have wonderful life before but from last 3 years getting worse my husband don't care about me like he don't listen to me he don't want to talk with me scream 24/7 on me and can you tell me somebody else told me he have 2 marriage in his lines I don't know plz plz help me I am really worried because I love him don't know what's going on or what gona happens
Allah hafiz
Dear Sir,
I am a victim of black magic and want of your help. pl. inform so that I can send my details.
Thanking you
I need your help my wife has separated from me we have 3 children who don't live with us and also have a child that is disabled one of our daughters died in 2007 my wife has had melah illam done on her I have been told and it will take a long time to cure please can you help and assist my son has a terminal illness and needs us both to be together I am desperate please help me.
As the evil people who have done this want to take her away from me.
Assalam-oalaikum. i read symptoms of kala jadu on ur web site.most of them does match with me.last week I saw in my dream a black cobra bites me and I'm dying.and I was worried about my kids and wife.it was as in reality same house same ages of my kids etc.
And I'm so lazy don't want to work.and distant from my family.i often have headache and always in bad mood.i get angry so quickly I was never like this.my life has totally changed.i m far away from Islam no namaz no roza.even I don't pray jummah.I want to sleep on day time and at night I can't sleep till morning.
I don't give time to my kids.they always wait for me to play with them.but when I sit with them I start getting headache of my mood changes and I shout on then for small things.
After eating I get heart burn or some times I feel very strange.
Some times I get backache and some time my legs or shoulders even without doing anything.
I was so talented but now I feel like my brain doesn't work sometimes.
I keep forgetting things.and on and on.
I'm so much worried about this situation I'm far away from My religion and my family.time is going but it will make me trouble in future and akhrat. I beg to say please if it has anything to do with jadu or taweez please tell me how to finish it with help of Allah.i will be thankfull to you.if any further question you want to ask please ask me. جزاك الله خير
I'm looking for someone who can help me take off black magic.
If you can help me? Please reply me back.
Assalamu alaikum.
It was truly my good fortune to visit your website called 'black magic reversal with holy Quran'. I truly found it informative & efficient enough.
However,though I have been suffering from the problem more than 5 years, last year I was My problem is that I feel several blocks in my thinking ,Thats why I can not do & say almost anything confidently & get proved a loser everytime. Anyway, we found several taweez containing hair,nails & piece of my used cloth & some twisted things. After disposing those into flowing river, I felt comfortable & no problem in thinking.
But after few days, the problem restarted & till now after every week, the suffering is getting worse. Thats why,my family,my career,my life are very close to destruction. We spent thousands of money to the so called excorist bt of no effect. And I have done many amalyat getting from different sites. But nothing worked to protect or cure me from the helllike suffering.
However, my humble request to you is that plz try to give me a solution as I can save my life & family. Inshallah, I will pray for you till I m alive.
Jazakallah khairan.
Salam soname . Please suggest something to remove evil spirits from my head and body.
Assalamualykum. A girl of 26 age can not get married becz of Sihr. she is so pious, beautiful and educated. she gets many proposal but breaks all the time. her age is increasing, she needs to get marry as soon as possible. what Amal she should do, please suggest, its emergency. Allah will help you.
Assalaamu alaikum,
Alim jee
Hope you are fine .i would like to know if you could help me in year 2007 i lost a lot of money to some one they fraudulently took my money i was wondering if you could help me get my money back from them as i am very seriously in debt because of this i am stressed out , i am in in so much debt my health has been impacted, i am spiritually, physically and mentally disturbed .
please let me know if you can help me so i can then send you the details of those people , i have read a lot about you on the internet you help people May Allah reward you .Looking forward to hearing from you soon JazakAllah
Assalamualykum Sir. I have seen you said in your blog about breaking black magic to stop getting married. I have been suffering this from long.. now I terribly need to get free from it.
should I recite surah Maryam 11times JUST after fajr ? my telawh speed is low, so it will be time-consuming and the main thing is JUST after fajr and morning time I have to look after my parents. In sha Allah I can recite 11 times but should I have to recite without any stoppage/ emergncy talking to other/ can I do house-work between this if its needed? pls make me clear.
and after reciting and blowing in water then evryday I will only drink the water/ I will recite in the same wayevryday then drink ?
how to blow on myself, just blowing on two hand then wiping whole body ?
JazakaAllah khair.
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